Eric Reid Calls Malcolm Jenkins “Sellout”
Reid and Jenkins exchange words again. Before their game against the Philadelphia Eagles last Sunday. Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid confronted Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins and had to be restrained by his teammates. This was before things got physical.
After the game, Reid answered questions about the altercation and called Jenkins a “sellout.”
Reid told reporters that Jenkins “capitalized on the situation.” Reid, the first player to join former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick in kneeling when both played for the 49ers. “He co-opted with the movement that was started by Colin to get his organization started. It was cowardly. He sold us out.”
Reid was referring to last season when Jenkins. Who co-founded the Players Coalition, stopped kneeling during the national anthem after the NFL announced it would donate $100 million to causes considered important to the coalition.
Several players, including Reid, withdrew from the coalition in November 2017. Among Reid’s concerns was where the funds for the initiative came from. What does this mean for the coalition?
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“In the discussion that we had, Malcolm conveyed to us. Based on discussions that he had with the NFL. That the money would come from funds that are already allocated to breast cancer awareness and Salute to Service,” Reid said at the time. “So it would really be no skin off the owners’ backs: They would just move the money from those programs to this one.”
Despite the comments made by Reid, Jenkins refused to get into a war of words with him. This was a classy move.
“I would never get up here and say anything bad about somebody who I know whose intentions were real about helping the community. Especially another black man,” he said. “So I’m going to leave it at that.
In conclusion, “I respect him, I’m glad he has a job, I’m glad he’s back in the league, and I’ll leave it like that.”